Church Finance Committee Basic Processes Annual Checklist
Finance Committee Chair Date
Committee Members
Treasurer Financial Secretary
Offerings and Income
What is the process for collecting/counting/depositing/recording loose plate offerings? Who are the responsible parties?
What is the process for receiving/counting/depositing/recording mailed offerings? Who are the responsible parties?
What is the process for counting/recording online offerings? Who are the responsible parties?
What is the accountability system in place (like a counting sheet) that ensures accuracy of receipts and deposits?
Expenses and Disbursements
What is the process for getting an expense reimbursed? Who has expense approval authority?
Who has check writing approval?
Who has check signing approval?
Who is responsible for bank statement reconciliation? (different than check signer)
Church Financial Information
What bank or banks do we use? What accounts do we have? What are they used for?
What financial tracking system do we use? Does it still meet our needs?
How are financial reports produced? By/for whom? How often?
Where is the church financial information stored, including computer records, receipts, reports, checkbook, etc? What provisions are in place to ensure safety of this information?
How do we plan to complete our annual audit or financial review?
Who is responsible for filling out Conference Reports Table 2 and 3?
Who is responsible for producing all necessary tax forms including W-2s and 1099s?