our portfolios are Designed for faith communities SEEKING:
Long-term (5 to 10 year) superior investment performance
Managed risk via broad diversification with multiple managers
Investments that express our faith and work as a force for good
Income and capital appreciation
Low-hassle accounting
Each portfolio provides a broad measure of diversification while employing different levels of investment risk and expected returns. The funds that comprise these portfolios are managed by Wespath, the investment agency of the United Methodist Church. The one, three, and five year return data are updated here monthly. Please remember that future performance does not mirror past performance.
For churches and agencies seeking more liquidity and less market fluctuation, we also offer a Stable Value Portfolio, managed internally. Scroll all the way down to read more.
Forms for current customers:
Returns (net of fees) as of November 30, 2024
FOSSIL FREE Aggressive Portfolio
1 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5YR
3.47% 15.68% 20.64% 4.79% 8.63%
With a 70/30 equity to fixed income blend, this portfolio has slightly higher volatility and greater expected long-term returns than our other fossil free options. Its equity allocation tracks the MSCI World index, while excluding companies whose share prices are based on proven reserves and the three Palestinian conflict stocks.
FOSSIL FREE Moderate Portfolio
1 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5YR
3.30% 14.60% 18.58% 4.30% 8.03%
With a 65/35 equity to fixed income blend, this portfolio has balanced volatility and expected long-term returns. Its equity allocation tracks the MSCI World index, while excluding companies whose share prices are based on proven reserves and the three Palestinian conflict stocks.
FOSSIL FREE Conservative Portfolio
1 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5YR
2.79% 12.17% 16.76% 2.83% 6.24%
With a 50/50 equity to fixed income blend, this portfolio has lower volatility and expected long-term returns than our other fossil free options. Its equity allocation tracks the MSCI World index, while excluding companies whose share prices are based on proven reserves and the three Palestinian conflict stocks.
Diversified aggressive portfolio
1 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 10 YR
3.89% 13.31% 17.81% 0.98% 4.47% 4.36%
The Diversified Aggressive Portfolio was designed for investment committees that wish to maximize their overall return and who are impervious to short or medium-term downturns in the markets. The portfolio mix is 15% fixed-income and 85% equities. This portfolio lends itself best to those situations where liquidity is of much less concern than the potential for higher returns.
Diversified moderate portfolio
1 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 10 YR
3.00% 10.40% 14.94% 0.48% 3.62% 3.67%
The Diversified Moderate Portfolio (formerly the Foundation’s Permanent Investment Portfolio) is our most popular option. The portfolio uses a higher percentage of equity investments in its mix resulting in an overall balance of 35% fixed income and 65% equities. This balance increases both the volatility of the fund and its expected long-term return.
Diversified Conservative Portfolio
1 MO YTD 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR 10 YR
3.22% 10.28% 14.67% 0.63% 3.20% 3.35%
The Diversified Conservative Portfolio employs the highest portion of fixed-income securities in its portfolio balance. The balance between fixed income and equity in this portfolio is even. The expected result of this mix is less volatility and a lower long-term return.
Stable Value Portfolio
Average 1-year returns
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024* YTD 1 MO
1.38% 1.08% 1.90% 2.75% 1.93% 0.19% 0.47% 3.45% 4.11% 3.76% 0.19%
The goal of this fund is to earn current income by investing in a diversified portfolio of insured CDs and Government notes with laddered maturities of 1 to 4 years. It contained $10.4M on 12/31/2023. $1.9M of the fund is in privately placed secured loans made to faith communities in the Northwest. It provides a high level of liquidity and minimal market fluctuation.
The Stable Value Portfolio is the only one managed entirely in-house by our team. Faith Foundation staff have managed this fund for 27 years.
*2024 is an average annualized calculation