Pastor talking points

Your participation makes a big difference. That’s why we ask pastors to make announcements from the pulpit in the weeks leading up to the workshop, and we also invite you to open your workshop with a word of welcome and prayer. Even though we know our presentation is informational and important, church members respond the most to their pastors. We truly appreciate your participation. 

Suggested topics: 

  • Tell a story about a bequest that came to the church and how it benefitted the congregation. Conversely, you may also share a story where the church did not benefit from a bequest. These are teachable moments which may inspire your members to take action rather than procrastinate. 

  • Talk about any experience you’ve had with families whose loved one died without a will, and how they have struggled to carry out their loved one’s wishes. Emphasize the important of planning, and what a gift it can be to your members’ families. 

  • If you’ve created your own will and estate plan, and/or you have worked through estate planning with your own family members, talk about your personal experiences